36Preparations11 Preparations1.3.2 Attaching the Stand (S20D300BY / S20D300H / S20D340H / S20D300HY /S20D340HY / S22D300BY / S22D300HY / S22D340HY / S22D300NY / S24D300B /S24D300BL / S24D300H / S24D340H / S24D300HL / S24D340HL)Before assembling the product, place the product down on a flat and stable surface so that the screenis facing downwards.Insert the stand neck into thestand base in the directionshown in the figure.Check that the stand neck isfirmly connected.Tightly fasten the connectingscrew at the bottom of thestand base.Place a soft cloth over the tableto protect the product andplace the product onto thecloth so that the front of theproduct is facing downwards.Hold the main body of theproduct with your hand asshown by the figure.Push the assembled stand intothe main body in the directionof the arrow as shown in thefigure.- CautionDo not hold the product upsidedown only by the stand.DP INRGB IN DVI INDP INRGB IN DVI INDC 14V RGB IN