![Samsung S8000 User Manual Manual pdf 77 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5562836/15f362240afe9b9ec2e0ba39cb0cb6f177f.jpg)
71using tools and applicationsSet your favourite destination list1. In Menu mode, select Communities.2. Select Yes to set your favorite destination list (ifnecessary).3. Select Accept to confirm that you agree to thegeneral disclaimer.4. Select the destinations you want to add andselect Save.If you selected Update lists, new destinationsites are added to the list automatically.Upload a fileTo upload photos and videos, you must haveaccounts of photo sharing websites and blogs.1. In Menu mode, select Communities.2. Select a destination you want to post to.3. Enter the user ID and password of thedestination.4. Select Tap to add and select a media file.5. Enter the post details and select Upload toweb.The first time you access Communities, youwill be prompted to confirm.To edit the favourite destination list or update thelists, from the Communities screen, selectSettings → Preferred lists → Edit.You can also upload media files from Cameraor My files, by selecting or More →Upload to web.