75using tools and applicationsUpdate and read RSS feeds1. In Menu mode, select Internet → RSS feeds.2. Select Update → a feed → Update → Yes.3. Select a feed category → an updated feed.Launch the Samsung MobileNavigatorIn Menu mode, select Navigation.For details, refer to the quick start guide of theSamsung mobile navigator.If this feature is not provided as default depending onyour region or service provider, you can install thenavigation application by yourself.1. In Menu mode, select Settings → Phonesettings → Navigation → On.2. Insert a memory card into the phone. X p. 203. Download the navigation application to thememory card using the Samsung PC studio.4. Purchase a licence to use the navigationapplication.For details or the user manual, visithttp://www.66.com/samsung.The auto update feature sets the phone toautomatically update the RSS feeds at thespecified interval. You can activate the autoupdate feature by selecting Internet →Settings → RSS update.• While using the navigation application, do notremove the inserted memory card.• This feature may be unavailable dependingon your region or service provider.