1_ setupsetupCOmmUNICATIONConfigures the settings pertaining to RS-485 communication.SySTEm INFOShows the system information such as the camera version or communicationsettings.LANGUAGESelect a preferred one from the supported languages.PROFILEYou can select one from the pre-determined configurations as appropriate to yourspecific camera installation environment.Your selection on each item in PROFILE will affect all other settings of the camera.STANDARDAutomatically optimizes the camera settingsto the normal environment.ITSThis setting enables you to analyze the trafficsituation and take the traffic information at aglance.bACKLIGHTThis setting enables you to view a sharpbackground and object even in a severebacklight scene.DAy/NIGHTAutomatically optimizes the camera settings to the day and night scene.GAmINGThis automatically configures the settings so that you can work in a stable illumina-tion condition as indoors.CUSTOmYour change to any of the PROFILE settings will switch the display to CUSTOM. PROFILE STANDARDITSBACKLIGHTDAY/NIGHTGAMINGCUSTOM