3-3 3-4E1. CAMERA SET MENUCAMERA IDThe CAMERA ID menu assigns an ID to the SCC-C6405(P) to be displayedon the connected monitor.On the CAMERA SET menu screen, selectCAMERA ID to ON and press [Enter]. You will see the sub screen fordeciding on the ID of the SCC-C6405(P). The Camera ID can have up to20 alphanumeric characters, along with several special characters.The assigned camera ID may be positioned to any desired location on thescreen by using the LOCATION submenu.The diagram shown above illustrates the overall structure of the Setup Menu.In this section, a description of the Setup menu features will enable users of theSCC-C6405(P) to tailor it to their personal needs.ALARM SET ALARM PRIORITY SET ALARM1 1~4ALARM2 1~4ALARM3 1~4ALARM4 1~4EXIT QUIT/SAVEALARM IN SET ALARM1 NO/NC/OFFALARM2 NO/NC/OFFALARM3 NO/NC/OFFALARM4 NO/NC/OFFEXIT QUIT/SAVEALARM OUT SET ALARM1 1~3ALARM2 1~3ALARM3 1~3ALARM4 1~3MOTION 1~3EXIT QUIT/SAVEAUTO SET ALARM1 OFF/1~3/HALF1/HALF2/FULL/SCAN1~4ALARM2 OFF/1~3/HALF1/HALF2/FULL/SCAN1~4ALARM3 OFF/1~3/HALF1/HALF2/FULL/SCAN1~4ALARM4 OFF/1~3/HALF1/HALF2/FULL/SCAN1~4MOTION OFF/1~3/HALF1/HALF2/FULL/SCAN1~4EXIT QUIT/SAVEAUX OUT CONTROL OUT1 ON/OFFOUT2 ON/OFFOUT3 ON/OFFEXIT QUIT/SAVERETOTHER SET PROPOTIONAL P/T ON/OFFTURBO P/T ON/OFFAUTO CAL OFF/6H/12H/18H/24HD-FLIP ON/OFFCAM RESET ...LANGUAGE ENGLISH/FRANÇAIS/DEUTSCH/ESPAÑOLPASSWORD ON.../OFFEXIT QUIT/SAVESYSTEM INFOUse the controller to press the MENU selection key and the followingscreen will be displayed.In case of ➀, use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/[ENTER] key for MENUsetup. In case of ➁, type in the 4 digit password first. If correct, theMENU selection screen like ➀ will be displayed and you will be able toset up MENU by pressing UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/[ENTER] key.* * MAIN MENU * *CAMERA SET...VIDEO SET...PRESET ...ZONE SET...AUTO SET...ALARM SET...OTHER SET...SYSTEM INFO...0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9➀ PASSWORDUNDEFINED➁ PASSWORDDEFINED✽ ✽ ✽ ✽❈ If the power is turned off after PRESET, AUTO PAN, SCAN,PATTERN function is activated and no other control is made, camerawill do the same function after the power is turned on.❈ Menu setting is available only when tilt position is under 90°.When tilt position is over 90° and menu-on command is received,pan will automatically rotate 180° and tilt will be move to thecorresponding position.