Menu functionsAll menu options listedCalls (Menu 1)Use this menu to view the calls you have dialled,received, or missed, and length of your calls.To access this menu, press Menu in Idle mode andselect Calls.Outgoing (Menu 1.1)If Caller Line Identification is available, your phonekeeps a list of the 20 most recent outgoing calls thatyou have made. Contact your service provider for theavailability.Incoming (Menu 1.2)This menu lets you view up to 20 of the most recentcalls you have received if you are a subscribe to theCaller Line Identification service. Contact your serviceprovider for further details about this service. Whenyou access this menu, a list of the incoming callsdisplays.Missed (Menu 1.3)The phone stores up to 20 of the most recent numbersyou have failed to answer. When you access thismenu, a list of the missed calls displays.Erase logs (Menu 1.4)In this menu, you can erase the entries stored in eachof three call logs; outgoing, incoming, and missedcalls.65