Menu functionsCall timer (Menu 1.5)Your phone records the amount of air time, or talktime used. Using this option, you can view the numberof calls to or from your phone, and the air time for allof the calls. You can easily erase the air time record atany time, except Lift time. The actual time invoicedby your service provider will vary.Contacts (Menu 2)Contacts allows you to store frequently used phonenumbers and the associated names in your personaldirectory to make it easy for you to make a callwithout having to remember or enter the phonenumber. You can store up to 500 entries including E-mail and URL addresses.To access this menu, press Menu in Idle mode andselect Contacts.Find (Menu 2.1)This menu allows you to find an entry using a person’sname, entry number, or group name in your Contacts.Add (Menu 2.2)This menu allows you to add a new entry to yourContacts. A name can contain up to 4 numbers indifferent categories; Home, Office, Mobile, Paper, andFax.Rename group (Menu 2.3)In this menu, you can change the name of the defaultgroups.My phone# (Menu 2.4)Use this feature to check your phone number.Press Contacts in Idle mode to quickly access thismenu.66