167setting a picture as contacticon 75speed dials 53starred contacts 51updating 46updating from Call log 46updating from Keypad 46updating from Recent calls 36Corporate Email accounts 44DDisplay / Touch-Screen 141Display settingsbrightness 105font style and size 106screen timeout 106Do cell phones pose a healthhazard? 129EEmailaccount settings 61combined Inbox 61composing and sending 62configuring accounts 60Corporate accounts 44refreshing your accounts 61Emergency Calls 142Entering TextGoogle voice typing 29, 30Samsung keyboard 28Exchange account 44Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF)Signals 129FFacebookadding an account 44FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)Regulations for WirelessDevices 148FCC Notice and Cautions 151GGallerysharing pictures and video 75viewing pictures and video 74viewing videos 74Gmailcomposing and sending 63configuring your account 62managing your account 63refreshing your account 63GoogleGmail 62Local 79managing an account 44Maps 79Navigation 83Play Store 85setting up an account 44Talk 64YouTube 87GPS 142Groupsadding contacts 52creating 51sending a message 53HHealth and Safety Information 129Home screenadding shortcuts 26customizing 20folders 27primary shortcuts 26wallpaper 27