Contacts 795. Tap Done to update the number to the existingContacts entry.Sending Contacts1. Press ➔ and tap .2. Tap an entry to open its overview page.3. Press and tap Share to send the current Contactentry’s information to an external recipient via either:• Bluetooth to transmit this contact to another Bluetooth-compatible device.• Email to attach the contact card to a new outgoing email(Exchange or Internet).• Gmail to attach the contact card to a new outgoing Gmailemail message.Assigning a Picture to an EntryAssign a picture to display each time a certain contact calls you.Assigning a picture using the device:1. From the Contact’s overview screen, press andtap Edit contact.2. Tap the image icon or current image (upper-left).3. Select Take photo or Select photo from Gallery.4. Tap Save to assign the selected picture.5. Tap Done.• If an image was already assigned, tap Use this photo,Remove icon, or Change icon.Applying a picture from within your online Gmail:1. Log into your Gmail account and go to your Contacts page.2. Select your Contacts entry (with a checkmark) and clickthe image area (Change Picture).3. Click Browse to locate a local copy of your image.• You can also choose an image from other sources such asPicasa® Web.4. Crop the visible area of your selected picture andclick Apply Changes.5. Sync your new contact from your online Gmail to yourdevice. See “Confirming Contact Synchronization” onpage 75.Deleting Entries1. Touch and hold the entry name from the Contactstab listing.2. From the Contacts Entry context menu, tap Delete contact.3. Tap OK to confirm the Page 79 Thursday, September 1, 2011 3:43 PM