![Samsung SCH-N391 User Manual Manual pdf 63 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5563162/0f8233dc5ca8f0128b305bb268ff71dc63f.jpg)
125124WWAAPPLaunch Wap -1Note: The first time you use the wap browser, you willgo through a security setup process that takes 3to 5 minutes. Please follow the on-screenprompts to complete the security setup process.This initial setup process occurs only the firsttime you access the service.1. Accessing the Launch Wap menu connects yourphone to the wireless web.2. Once you are connected, the home page or the lastpage you visited displays.The opening page contents may be differentaccording to your wireless web service provider.3. To scroll through the screen, use the or key.Exiting the Wap BrowserTo exit the wap browser, simply press the key atany time.WAPAbout the Wap BrowserYour phone comes equipped with a web browserwhich makes it possible for you to access the wirelessweb.The wap browser allows you to access up-to-theminute information through your phone. Browsing thewireless web through your phone is unlike using yourcomputer; site providers have selected only the criticalaspects of their sites to present to wireless phoneusers and they have removed most of the graphics.Each time you start the wap browser, the phone willconnect to the wireless web and the Service icon ( )will appear on the display. Any time this icon is visibleon the display, you are connected to the wireless weband will be billed accordingly. Rates will varyaccording to your service plan.The wap browser will end the connection after acertain period of network inactivity and willautomatically reconnect as necessary. For this reason,you may find that you are billed for several networkconnections within a single session. This is normal andis designed to minimise your bill.You can quickly launch the wap browser by pressingand holding key in the standby mode.