59• Touch Add Wi-Fi network. The Add Wi-Fi network screen popsup.• Touch the Network SSID field and enter the name of the WirelessAccess Point. This entry lets you add hidden secured Wi-Finetworks.• For a secured network, touch the Security field. Select theappropriate security setting by touching it. You are prompted toenter the WAP password.• To save your entries to the list, touch Save.Note: When you manually add a secured Wi-Fi network, you are notprompted to enter the WAP password each time your phone connects.Advanced Wi-Fi settingsThe Wi-Fi settings – Advanced menu lets you further customizehow your phone communicates with Wi-Fi networks. From the Wi-Fi settings menu, touch ➔ Advanced.The Advanced menu appears in the display with thefollowing options available:• Wi-Fi sleep policy — Set your Wi-Fi interface to sleep When thescreen turns off / Never when the phone is plugged in / Never.• MAC address — View your phone’s Media Access Controladdress.• IP settings — Enable and specify a static Internet Protocoladdress. (Sometimes required by enterprise networks.)BluetoothBluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technologycapable of exchanging information over a distance of about 30feet without requiring a physical connection.Unlike infrared, you don't need to line up the devices to beaminformation with Bluetooth. If the devices are within a range ofone another, you can exchange information between them, evenif they are located in different rooms.The Bluetooth wireless technology settings menu provides theability to view and change the device name, show the visibility,and set the security for the device.Turn Bluetooth On/OffWhen the Bluetooth is turned on, you can use the Bluetoothfeatures available. When the Bluetooth is turned off, you cannotsend or receive information via Bluetooth. To save battery life orin situations where Bluetooth use is prohibited, such as airlinetraveling, you can turn off the Bluetooth wireless technologyheadset.Turn Bluetooth On From the Wireless & network settings menu, touchBluetooth. The associated check box changes color togreen.