142batteries only if the battery falls below 80% of ratedcapacity or the battery leaks, and this Limited Warrantydoes not cover any battery if (i) the battery has beencharged by a battery charger not specified or approvedby SAMSUNG for charging the battery, (ii) any of theseals on the battery are broken or show evidence oftampering, or (iii) the battery has been used inequipment other than the SAMSUNG phone for which itis specified.3. What are SAMSUNG’s Obligations?During the applicable warranty period, SAMSUNG willrepair or replace at SAMSUNG’s sole option, withoutcharge to purchaser, any defective component part ofthe phone or accessory. To obtain service under thislimited warranty, purchaser must return Product to anauthorized phone service facility in an adequatecontainer for shipping, accompanied by Purchaser’ssales receipt or comparable proof of sale showing thedate of purchase, the serial number of Product, and theseller’s name and address. To obtain information onwhere to deliver the phone or accessory, call yourservice provider or Samsung Customer Care at (888)987-4357. Upon receipt, SAMSUNG will promptly repairthe defective product. SAMSUNG may, at SAMSUNG’ssole option, use rebuilt, reconditioned, or new parts orcomponents when repairing any product or replace aproduct with a rebuilt, reconditioned, or new product.Repaired products will be warranted for a period equal tothe remainder of the original limited warranty on theoriginal product or for 90 days, whatever is longer. Allreplaced parts, components, boards, and equipmentbecomes the property of SAMSUNG. If SAMSUNG