14Voicemail message: Indicates that you’ve received a newvoice message. You’re also notified by a visual, audible, andVibeTonz alert according to your assigned preferences.WAP push & voicemail message: Indicates that you’vereceived voice and WAP push messages. You’re alsonotified by a visual, audible, and VibeTonz alert according toyour assigned preferences.WAP push, TXT & voicemail message: Indicates thatyou’ve received text, voice, and WAP push messages.You’re also notified by a visual, audible, and VibeTonz alertaccording to your assigned preferences.1X Protocol: Indicates your phone is using the 1X protocol.Battery strength: Indicates the battery charge level. Themore black bars, the greater the charge. When the batterybecomes very low, a flashing empty battery icon displaysand the phone sounds an audible alert, which indicates yourphone is about to shut down.Alarm clock: The alarm clock is set.GPS (911 only): This icon represents Global PositioningService (GPS) for 911.GPS: Indicates GPS is on for location.Silent mode: Indicates your phone is in silent mode. Ringeris silenced for all alerts, incoming calls, and incomingmessages. The phone alerts you of incoming calls, alerts,and messages by vibration and a flashing Service LED.Vibrate mode: Your phone is in vibrate mode. When youreceive a call, the phone plays VibeTonz touch sensationsinstead of ringing.Speakerphone on: Your phone is in speakerphone mode.You can talk and listen to your call without holding yourphone next to your ear.