Basic Printing13Printer SettingsYou can use the printer properties window, which allows you toaccess all of the printer options you need when using yourprinter. When the printer properties are displayed, you canreview and change the settings needed for your print job.Your printer properties window may differ, depending on youroperating system. This Software User’s Guide shows theProperties window for Windows XP.Your printer driver Properties window that appears in thisUser’s Guide may differ depending on the printer in use.If you access printer properties through the Printers folder, youcan view additional Windows-based tabs (refer to yourWindows User’s Guide) and the Printer tab (see “Printer Tab” onpage 16).NOTES:• Most Windows applications will override settings you specifyin the printer driver. Change all print settings available in thesoftware application first, and change any remaining settingsusing the printer driver.• The settings you change remain in effect only while you areusing the current program. To make your changespermanent, make them in the Printers folder.• The following procedure is for Windows XP. For otherWindows OS, refer to the corresponding Windows User'sGuide or online help.1. Click the Windows Start button.2. Select Printers and Faxes.3. Select your printer driver icon.4. Right-click on the printer driver icon and selectPrinting Preferences.5. Change the settings on each tab, click OK.Layout TabThe Layout tab provides options to adjust how the documentappears on the printed page. The Layout Options includesMultiple Pages per Side and Poster Printing. See “Printinga Document” on page 12 for more information on accessingprinter properties.Paper OrientationPaper Orientation allows you to select the direction in whichinformation is printed on a page.• Portrait prints across the width of the page, letter style.• Landscape prints across the length of the page, spreadsheetstyle.• Rotate allows you to rotate the page the selected degrees.Layout OptionsLayout Options allows you to select advanced printing options.You can choose Multiple Pages per Side and Poster Printing.• For details, see “Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet of Paper(N-Up Printing)” on page 18.• For details, see “Printing Posters” on page 19Double-sided PrintingDouble-sided Printing allows you to print on both sides ofpaper. If this option does not appear, your printer doesnot have this feature.• For details, see “Printing on Both Sides of Paper” on page 20.LandscapePortrait