Alignment & AdjustmentsService Manual 6-23Samsung ElectronicsDOCUMENT JAMDOOR OPENBYPASS JAMDUPLEX JAMDrum WarningFunction FullPAPER JAMØPAPER JAM1Open/Close DoorPAPER JAM 2Check InsideNO PAPER ADDPAPERLSU ERRORLOW HEAT ERROROPEN HEAT ERRORThe loaded document has jammed in theDADFThe side cover is not securely latched.The machine detected a mis-feed from theBYPASS Tray.The machine detected a duplex jam in themiddle of 2-sided printing.The drum cartridge is near the end of itslife.The memory is full.Recording paper is jammed in the paperfeeding area.( Recording paper is jammedin pick-up unit)The machine has detected a paper jam infuser area. OPEN the side door and clearthe jam. CLOSE the door to continue.The machine has detected a paper jam inpaper exit area. OPEN the side door andclear the jam. CLOSE the door to continue.The recording paper has run out. Theprinter system stops.The Laser Scanning Unit did not reach theREADY state within a defined time or aproblem has occurred in the LSU.The Fuser temperature did not reach acertain level, or the thermister has becomedisconnected.During operation the fuser temperaturefails to rise correctly, the Thermister is notconnected to the main board or contactpoints are loose or dirty.Clear the document jam.Close the cover until it locks into place.Open the side Cover and remove thejammed paper.Load paper in the bypass tray.Remove the jammed paperYou should ensure a replacementcartridge is in stock.Either delete unnecessary documents, orretransmit after more memory becomesavailable. The transmission can also besplit into more than one operation if it is alarge job.Press STOP and remove the jammedpaperRemove the jammed paperRemove the jammed paperLoad the recording paper in the paperfeeder.Try Power Off-Power On.*Please test the LSU in engine test mode.*If the problem still persists, replace theLSU unit.Try Power Off-Power On.*Check thermister contact point & heat roller.*If the problem still persists, replace fuserunit.*Check thermister contact point and cableconnection.*Please test the fuser in engine test mode.*If the problem still persists, replace fuser unit.DADFFeederFeederFeederFeederFeederFeederFeederLSUFuserFuserError Message Description Solution6.7 Machine Error Codes (Service codes)6.7.1 Machine Error Message