Reference InformationService Manual 7-3 Samsung Electronics7.2.2 Understanding Material Code & NameMaterial code and name is maintained by standard criteria.If understand the criteria, it will help to order materials.1. Two different description ways for material code. ( Ɣ: Digit, Ŷ: Letter(Alphabet))- Type 1 ƔƔƔƔ-ƔƔƔƔƔƔ ex) 2007-007961 R-CHIP- Type 2 ŶŶƔƔ-ƔƔƔƔƔŶ ex)JB96-01268A ELA UNIT-COVER TOPType1 : Parts managed by entire divisions : Materials used by all samsung products.Most electrical parts are under the type 1.Type 2 : Parts managed by a division : Material used by a certain productMost mechanical parts are under type 2.2. A/S Only material : Only for A/S, not related to product manufacturing.3. Ass’y material : More than two materials are assembled. If the material order is out of service, the ordercan be processed by Ass’y material order.Picture and numbers are also described on Service manual.öAss’y Material and A/S Only material Code are recognizable by product name.Those are under type 2 and known by material properties and beginning letters of product name.&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ Material Code Material NameA/S Only Material **81-******(JB81-00039A) AS-*****(AS-FUSE)A/S Only Material **75-******(JB75-00068A) MEC-*****(MEC-CHUTE)A/S Only Material **92-******(JB92-01131A) PBA-*****(PBA MAIN-CONTROLLER)A/S Only Material **96-******(JB96-01268A) ELA-*****(ELA UNIT-COVER TOP)A/S Only Material **97-******(JB97-01089A) MEA-*****(MEA UNIT-PULLEY IDLE)CÓPIA NÃO CONTROLADACÓPIA NÃO CONTROLADA