Printing_ 105Eco tabThe Eco tab allows you to save print resources and lead you to eco-friendlyprinting. When you select Eco Printing, you can see the eco image( )on some options. Also, Some options are not available in eco mode.Eco Options• Printer Default: If you select this option, this feature is determinedby the setting you’ve made on the control panel of the machine.• None: Disables this option.• Eco Printing: Eco mode gets activated. Select Double-SidedPrinting, Layout, Color Mode, and Skip Blank Pages you want touse in eco mode. As long as you do not change the options from theother tabs, the document will be print out as set in the eco mode.• Password: If the administrator sets On-Forced in Default EcoMode for this machine, the eco mode is always set by this machine’seco setting, while the Eco Options in the printer driver is disabled. Ifyou need to change the print settings, click Password and enter thepassword or contact your administrator.Result SimulatorResult Simulator shows the result of reduced emission of carbondioxide, used electricity, and the amount of saved paper in accordancewith the settings you selected.• The results are calculated on the basis that the total number ofprinted paper is one hundred without a blank page when ecomode is disabled.• Refer to the calculation coefficient about CO2, energy, andpaper from IEA, the index of Ministry of Internal Affairs andCommunication of Japan and model has a different index.• The power consumption in printing mode refers to the averageprinting power consumption in this machine.• The actual saved or reduced amount may differ depending onthe operating system used, computing performance,application software, connection method, media type, mediasize, job complexity, etc.Samsung tabUse the Samsung tab to display the copyright and the version number ofthe driver. If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can haveaccess to additional device services.Print ModeThis option allows you to choose how to print or save the print file by usingthe HDD in your machine. The default Print Mode is Normal which is forprinting without storing the printing file on the HDD. You can also use thisoption in other tabs.• Normal: This mode prints without storing your document.• Confidential: This mode is used for printing confidential documents.You need to enter a password to print using it .• Store: This mode is used only for storing documents on the HDD. Ifnecessary, you can load and print the stored documents. You can findthe stored file in the Stored Document. First, choose a StoredDocument in Save Location and then set Options.• Store and Print: This mode is used when printing and storingdocuments at the same time. If necessary, you can load and print thestored documents. You can find the stored file in the Stored Document. First, choose a Stored Document in Save Location and then setOptions.• Job Name: This option is used when you need to find a stored fileusing the control panel.• User ID: This option is used when you need to find a stored fileusing the control panel. The user name automatically appears asthe user name that you use to log on Windows.• Enter Password: If the Property of the Stored Document youselected is Secured, you have to enter the password for theStored Document. This option is used for loading a stored fileusing the control panel.• Confirm Password: Re-enter the password to confirm it.Using a favorite settingThe Favoritesoption, which is visible on each preferences tab except forSamsung tab, allows you to save the current preferences settings for futureuse.To save a Favorites item: