4.5Advanced faxPollingWhat is polling?Polling is used when one fax machine requests another to send a docu-ment. This is useful when the person with the original document to be sentis not in the office. The person who wants to receive the document calls themachine holding the original and requests that the document be sent. Inother words, it “polls” the machine holding the original.Send pollingYou can programme your fax machine to send documents in yourabsence when polled by a remote fax machine. It is possible to use a pollcode to prevent unauthorized polling of your fax machine. When yousecure your machine in this manner, only those who know the poll codecan poll your machine.1. Load the document face down. If necessary, use Resolution, orContrast. For details, see page 3.2.2. Press Advanced FAX on the control panel.The display shows the first menu; BROADCASTING.3. Press ➛➛ or ❿❿ until ‘SEND POLLING’ appears, and press Start/Enter.4. The display asks you to enter a 4-digit poll code. The poll code is presetto 0000 at the factory, which represents no poll code.5. If you want to use a poll code, enter the 4-digit code (except for 0000),then press Start/Enter. OrIf you do not want to secure the transmission with a poll code, pressStart/Enter when the display shows 0000 for the poll code, or press0000.6. The display asks you to store the document in the machine’s bulletinmemory.If you store the document in the bulletin board memory, more than oneremote station can poll that document from your machine. If not, thedocument will be automatically erased after being polled by a remotemachine.Press ➛➛ or ❿❿ to select YES or NO.POLLCODE [0000]