ADVANCED OPERATIONS5.2 CHAPTER FIVE : ADVANCED OPERATIONS5The LCD asks if you wantto enter another faxnumber to send the samedocument to anotherlocation.A N O T H E R F A XN U M B E R ?The machine stores thedocument automaticallyin memory. The LCDcounts the number ofpages stored in memoryand the memory capacityremaining.S C A N T O M E M O R Y9 2 % P A G E 14Enter the number of theremote machine (up to34 digits).32PQRSGHIABCMENUSTOPOHD/V.REQ.FLASHSPEED/DUALREDIAL/PAUSEDEFJKL MNOTUV WXYZ14 657 980You can press a one-touch button,a 2-digit Speed Dial number, or aone-touch Group Dial button. Thestored number and name appear in thedisplay.5Press ENTER when thenumber appears correctlyin the display.OHD/V.REQ.COPY START/ENTER6If you want to send tomore than one location,press ENTER and repeatsteps 4-5.orIf you want to send toone location or when youcomplete the another faxnumber setting, pressSTOP or .OHD/V.REQ.COPY START/ENTERARMSTOPOHD/V.REQ.START/ENTERFLASHSPEED/DUALREDIAL/PAUSEThe machine shows the‘ANOTHER FAX NUMBER?’ messagerepeatedly up to 10 times each time youenter another fax number using manualdialling, One-Touch, or 2-digit SpeedDialling (you can not use a Groupnumber for another fax number).But if you have used this multi-addresstransmission feature in otheroperation(s) currently registered inmemory, the maximum attemptnumber of ‘10’ will be reduced.If you enter another fax numberalready in the another fax numbermemory (for example, included in agroup number), the LCD displays‘ALREADY SET.’If you can’t fit all the pages inmemory, the LCD displays ‘MEMORYFULL 1:CANCEL 2:DONE’. Select ‘1’to cancel the job, or ‘2’ to store thepages already in memory, and send theremaining pages manually.The LCD displays thenumber being dialled.Then the machine beginssending the document.D I A L I N G 5 5 5 1 2 1 2T XD-Chapter 5(US) 4/16/98 8:39 AM Page 5.2