SPECIAL F EATURES6.12 CHAPTER SIX : SPECIAL FEATURES65Scroll to the options bypressing orrepeatedly until you findthe one you want toclear.ALARMSTOPSEARCH/DELETEThe LCD asks if you aresure of the number. A R E Y O U S U R E ?( E N T E R / S T O P )6When memory you wantappears in the display,press the number ofmemory you selected.32PQRSGHIABCMENUSTOPOHD/V.REQ.FLASHSPEED/DUALREDIAL/PAUSEDEFJKL MNOTUV WXYZ14 657 9807Press ENTER to confirm it.OHD/V.REQ.COPY START/ENTERThe selected memory iscleared. M E M O R YC L E A R I N G . . .8You can continue toselect another memory toclear.To return to Standbymode, press STOP twice.32PQRSGHIABCMENUSTOPOHD/V.REQ.FLASHSPEED/DUALREDIAL/PAUSEDEFJKL MNOTUV WXYZ14 657 980ALARMSTOPOHD/V.REQ.START/ENTERFLASHSPEED/DUALREDIAL/PAUSE1 : JOURNAL :clears all records oftransmissions & receptions.2 : TERMINAL ID :clears your terminalidentification information.Your terminal ID number, nameare erased from the machine’smemory.3 : OPTIONS :restores user-selectable optionsto the default value.4 : DIAL&DELAY :clears the autodial memory andthe delayed dial operations. Allthe numbers currently registeredto One-Touch Dial, Speed Dialand Group Dial numbers will beerased from the machine’smemory. In addition, all thedelayed time operations youhave reserved are also cancelled.C-Chapter 6(US) 4/16/98 8:42 AM Page 6.12