Funbox148Settings (Menu 8.1.4)This menu allows you to set up five proxy serversfor the WAP browser. Contact your service providerfor details about your Settings options.For each server, the following options are available:Profile name: enter a name that you wish toassign to the HTTP proxy server.Homepage URL: set the address of your startuphomepage. When the default homepage displays,you can delete it using the C key and enter yourown choice.Security: select a data transmission mode. ChooseSecure to protect your data against unauthorisedaccess; otherwise, choose Non-secure.Bearer: select a bearer to be used for each type ofnetwork address accessed: GPRS or Data.When the bearer is set to GPRS:IP address: enter the WAP gateway addressrequired to connect to the Internet.User name: enter the User ID required to connectto the GPRS network.Password: enter the password required to connectto the GPRS network.APN: enter the access point name used for theaddress of the GPRS network gateway.When the bearer is set to Data:IP address: enter the WAP gateway addressrequired to connect to the Internet.Login name: enter the PPP server login ID.Funbox149Password: enter the PPP server password.Dial-up number: enter the PPP server phonenumber.Data call type: select a data call type: Analogueor ISDN.Note: The WAP browser settings may vary, dependingon the service provider. Contact your serviceprovider for further details.Clear cache (Menu 8.1.5)You can clear the information stored in the cache,the phone’s temporary memory which stores themost recently accessed Web pages.Press the Yes soft key to confirm the deletion.Otherwise, press the No soft key.Push message (Menu 8.1.6)In this menu, you can receive and access webmessages from the server.The following options are available:Inbox: allows you to read the messages receivedfrom the web server.Receive: allows you to set whether or not yourphone receives web messages.Delete all: allows you to delete all of the webmessages you have received.