61How much does it cost?Text messages to request information arefree. Receipt of each Orange Informationtext message costs 12p.To access Orange Information:1 Press Menu, scroll to Orange Plus andpress Select.2 Choose or enter the subject you areinterested in.3 You will be offered a further list ofoptions. Scroll to the one you want andpress Select.4 Choose from the following threeoptions:■ LatestSends you a single text messagewith the latest information.■ All futureRequests that you are sent regularupdates on your chosen subject.■ No moreCancels the All future option.5 You will then have two further choices:■ Get informationRequests information be sent to yourphone immediately■ Add to menuYour SIM Card saves the informationyou’ve entered so you don’t need tore-enter itOrange Plus Call Orange enablesyou to…■ speak to Customer Services■ listen to your Answer Phone messages■ listen to traffic news using Text Alerts■ call Orange Directory EnquiriesOrange World and multimedia servicesrvicesrefer to listen to the newsan read it simply call 177u call 177 you can listen to up-to-mation on a variety of subjectslotto results, the weather in your, your horoscope and a selectioninformation from around the UK.77.y follow the voice prompts tohe information you want.u will be charged a set price ofinute to call 177.access information direct fromyour phone’s Orange Plus menuYour additional options can be found bypressing the Menu button on your phoneand choosing Orange Plus.You can:■ easily get in touch with Orange■ always be up to date with OrangeInformationOrange PlusOrange Plus Information is a way torequest text messages on:■ sports, news and results■ lottery, horoscopes, weather and jokes■ stocks, indices and foreign exchangee World and multimedia servicesD3.qxd 11/12/04 11:03 Page 60