10 credit assessmentsyour application is subject tocredit status10.1 All applications for Registration andOrange Additional Services aresubject to credit assessment beforewe can connect you to the Network.In considering your application we willsearch your record at the licensedcredit reference agencies. They willadd to your record details of oursearch and your application. We willuse credit scoring or other automateddecision making systems whenassessing your application. If ourassessment of you does not meet ournormal requirements we reserve theright to decline to Connect you or tosupply Orange Additional Services orto decide an appropriate credit limiton your Account. Alternatively, wemay ask you to lodge a Deposit withus before we Connect you. If youbelieve our assessment of you isincorrect, we will review your eligibility.However, we cannot acceptresponsibility for the accuracy ofinformation provided from thedatabases of credit referenceagencies. Nor can we accept anyliability for the consequences of ourdeclining to Connect you.10.2 We will also check your details with afraud prevention agency who willrecord details of any false orinaccurate information provided byyou where we suspect fraud. We orother organisations may use andsearch these records to:10.2.1 help make decisions aboutcredit and credit relatedservices, for you and membersof your household143rmation supplied by youdetails you give us must beectplying for Registration or fornge Additional Services, youertake to provide your correcte, address and other factualmation. You also confirm that:1 the person stated to beauthorised to sign for acompany or firm is dulyauthorised2 any individual applying as amember of a company is of fullcontractual capacity and is ableboth to pay for the Services heor she has requested and tomeet his or her otherobligations under your Contract3 You will also tell us if yourdetails change.what happens if we suspect thedetails you give us aren't correct9.2 If we suspect, on reasonable grounds,that information has been supplied tous without the knowledge of the personnamed, or that an application isunauthorised or contains falseparticulars, we may delay Connectionor Suspend Services to your Devicewhile we investigate further. Followingour investigation, we will Connect orreinstate the Services unless we havegrounds to terminate. You acknowledgethat you will have no claim against us inrespect of any delay or Disconnectioncaused as a result of the operation ofthis Condition.referencenceD3.qxd 11/12/04 11:03 Page 142