74Menu functions• Details: enter event details.• Start date and Start time: enter the startingdate and time for the event.• AM/PM: select AM or PM in 12-hour timeformat.• End date and End time: enter the ending dateand time for the event.• AM/PM: select AM or PM in 12-hour timeformat.• Location: (for Schedule) enter informationabout the event location.• Alarm: select to set an alarm for the event.• before: set how long before the event thealarm is to alert you.• Alarm tone: select an alarm tone.• Repeat: (for Schedule) select to set the eventto recur.• until: (for Schedule) set the date to endrepeating.4. Press <Save> to save the event.Entering a new anniversary1. Scroll to a date on the calendar.2. Press <Options> and select Create →Anniversary.3. Enter information or change the settings:• Occasion: enter information about theanniversary.• Date: enter the date.• Alarm: select to set an alarm for theanniversary.• before: set how long before the event thealarm is to alert you.• Alarm time: set the time for the alarm.• AM/PM: select AM or PM in 12-hour timeformat.• Alarm tone: select an alarm tone.• Repeat every year: select to set the phone toremind you of the anniversary every year.4. Press <Save> to save the event.