50Menu functionsStopping the timer• Press any key when the timer alertappears.• Press [OK] on the timer screen to stopthe timer before it rings.Stopwatch (Menu 3.5)Use this menu to measure elapsed time. Themaximum time is 10 hours.1. Press [OK] to start the stopwatch.2. Press [OK] to check an interval. You canrepeat this step for a total of 4 intervals.Memo (Menu 3.6)Use this menu to make memos of things thatare important, and manage them.Creating a memo1. Press <Options> and select Create.2. Enter the memo text and press [OK].Viewing a memo1. Select the memo you want to view.2. Press [Left] or [Right] to view othermemos.Using memo optionsWhile viewing memo details, press<Options> to access the following options:• Edit: change the memo text.• Send via: send the selected memo viaSMS, MMS, or Bluetooth.• Delete: delete the memo.• Memory status: check how manymemos you have created.Key management (Menu 3.7)Use this menu to manage the licence keysyou have acquired to activate media fileslocked by DRM systems.Press <Options> to access the followingoptions:• View/Play: open the correspondingitem.• Delete: delete the selected licence key.• Go to My Messages: access themessage that contains the media file.• Go to My Items: access thecorresponding file folder.• Details: access the properties of thelicence key.