1848. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that theSoftware is subject to export restrictions of various countries.You agree to comply with all applicable international andnational laws that apply to the Software, including all theapplicable export restriction laws and regulations.9. TERMINATION. This EULA is effective until terminated. Yourrights under this License will terminate automatically withoutnotice from Samsung if you fail to comply with any of theterms and conditions of this EULA. Upon termination of thisEULA, you must cease all use of the Software and destroy allcopies, full or partial, of the Software.10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. UNLESS SEPARATELY STATEDIN A WRITTEN EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTYACCOMPANYING YOUR DEVICE, ALL SOFTWARE PROVIDEDBY SAMSUNG WITH THIS MOBILE DEVICE (WHETHERINCLUDED WITH THE DEVICE, DOWNLOADED, OROTHERWISE OBTAINED) IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ON AN"AS AVAILABLE" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KINDFROM SAMSUNG, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. TO THEFULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLELAW, SAMSUNG DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS,IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORYQUALITY OR WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, RELIABILITY OR AVAILABILITY,ACCURACY, LACK OF VIRUSES, QUIET ENJOYMENT, NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS OR OTHERVIOLATION OF RIGHTS. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOTALLOW EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONSMAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION,WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY YOU FROMSAMSUNG OR ITS AFFILIATES SHALL BE DEEMED TO ALTERTHIS DISCLAIMER BY SAMSUNG OF WARRANTY REGARDINGTHE SOFTWARE, OR TO CREATE ANY WARRANTY OF ANYSORT FROM SAMSUNG.11. THIRD-PARTY APPLICATIONS. Certain third partyapplications may be included with, or downloaded to thismobile device. Samsung makes no representationswhatsoever about any of these applications. Since Samsunghas no control over such applications, you acknowledge andagree that Samsung is not responsible for the availability ofsuch applications and is not responsible or liable for anycontent, advertising, products, services, or other materialson or available from such applications. You expresslyacknowledge and agree that use of third party applications isat your sole risk and that the entire risk of unsatisfactoryquality, performance, accuracy and effort is with you. It is up