192MMaps 104Memory Cardformatting 32installing 12removing 12Messagesemail 51Gmail 48types 48Messenger 58Mobile data 124Mobile networks 124Multi Window Tray 30Musiccreating a playlist 63Music Player 61Music Hub 61Music Player 61myAT&T 106NNamecardssending 36Navigation 19command keys 27Primary Shortcuts 27screen 20Nearby Devicessettings 127status 26Notification Panel 23Notifications 23OOperating Environment 172Other Important Safety Information174PPairing with Bluetooth 86Photo IDsetting 79PhotosGallery 76sharing 80taking 68Play Books 108Play Music 60Play Store 109Playlistscreating 63Polaris® Office 110Powering On and Off 10Predictive Text 140Privacy settingsfactory data reset 145QQuick Controls 83RReducing ExposureHands-Free Kits and OtherAccessories 160RemoteSmart 114Resetfactory data 145Responsible Listening 170Restricting Children's Access to YourMobile device 174SSamsung Accountsigning in 147Samsung Keyboard