49Personal Productivity• Anniversary - an annual reminderof a special date• To-do - a note about a particulartask3. Complete the fields and adjust thesettings for your event.4. When you are finished, press <Done>to save your entry.Change the Calendar view1. In Standby mode, press [ ] →Organiser → Calendar.2. Press <Options> → a view type.Stop an event alarmIf you set an alarm for a calendar event,the alarm will sound for one minute atthe specified time. To stop the alarm,press <Stop>. To silence the alarm,press <Silence>. To set the alarm tosound again shortly, press <Silence> →<Snooze> → a snooze period.Change Calendar optionsFrom any calendar view, press<Options> → Settings to change thefollowing options:• Calendar alarm tone: set apersonalized alarm tone• Alarm snooze time: set a snoozeduration for calendar alarms• Default view: set the view that isshown when you open the CalendarIn the Synchronisation field, youcan specify whether an event isPrivate (seen only by you), Public(seen by anyone with access to yourdata after you sync), or None (notsynchronised).