83SettingsDate and timeControl the appearance and behavior ofthe date, time, and alarms.• Time - set the current time (press [C]to switch between am and pm)• Time zone - set the time zone• Date - set the current date• Date format - set a date format• Date separator - set a date separator• Time format - set a time format• Time separator - set a time separator• Clock type - set a clock type for thedisplay• Clock alarm tone - set a tone for aclock alarm• Alarm snooze time - set the delay foralarms to repeat• Workdays - set the days of the weekto sound alarms• Network operator time - set thenetwork to automatically update thetime and dateEnhancementSet the device to use either the headsetor a wireless car kit as the defaultenhancement: press <Options> → Setas default. You can change the followingsettings for either enhancement:• Default profile - set the defaultprofile for the enhancement• Automatic answer - set theenhancement to automatically answerincoming calls (when connected to thedevice)