Menu functions Messages (Menu 5)81- SMTP password: enter the SMTPpassword.- APOP login: connect to the server byusing the APOP login scheme.- Email retrieval limit(1-100): set thenumber of headers you will retrieve fromthe server.- Secure connection: use a secureconnection for the e-mail service.When the protocol type is IMAP4:- IMAP4 server: enter the IP address orhost name of the server that receives youre-mail.- IMAP4 port: enter the IMAP4 portnumber.- User ID: enter the IMAP4 user name.- Password: enter the IMAP4 password.- Use SMTP authentication: enable SMTPauthentication, which requires the user tologin before sending e-mails.- Same as IMAP4: select if you want theSMTP server to have the same parametersas the IMAP4 server.- SMTP user ID: enter the SMTP username.- SMTP password: enter the SMTPpassword.- Include attachments: select this optionto receive attachments with e-mails.- Email retrieval limit(1-100): set thenumber of headers you will retrieve fromthe server.- Secure connection: use a securedconnection for e-mail service.• Email profile: select a connection profile tobe used for e-mail services. You can alsocreate or edit a profile.p. 116