Understanding Your Contacts 46Contacts SettingsYou can choose to View contacts stored on your Phone only or onyour SIM Card only. Or you can View All contacts. You can save, copyand delete Phone and SIM Card entries on your phone or choose todelete all. From the Idle screen, press (Menu) ➔ Contacts ➔Contacts Settings to manage the following settings for yourcontacts entries:• My Business Card: allows you to enter your information in the fieldsprovided to set up your business card.• Save New Contacts to: allows you to assign a default location fornew contact entries. Choose from these options: Phone Memory,SIM Memory, or Always Ask.• View Contacts from: allows you to choose what Contacts entries areshown on your phone. Choose from either: All (view all contacts),Phone Memory (contacts from only your phone), or SIM Memory(entries from only your SIM Card).• Own Number: displays you number assigned to your phone.• FDN Contacts: allows you to create new FDN Contacts entries.WHen this mode is enabled, you can only dial those Contacts entriesthat have been assigned as FDN Contacts.• Used Space: displays the number of contacts stored on your Phone,SIM, or FDN.