![Samsung SGH-S425G User Manual Manual pdf 3 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5564361/3d603eb07f990137ded2ac1485b79fd13f.jpg)
DRAFTFOR INTERNAL USE ONLYDo you have questions about your Samsung Mobile Phone?For 24 hour information and assistance, we offer a new FAQ/ARS System(Automated Response System) at:http://www.samsung.com/us/supportGHXX-XXXXXPrinted in ChinaNuance, the Nuance logo, and XT9 are trademarks and/or registered trademarksof Nuance communications, Inc., and/or its affiliates in the Unitied States and/orother countries.microSD™, microSDHC™ and the microSD logo are Trademarks of the SDCard Association.The Bluetooth® word mark, figure mark (stylized “B Design”), and combinationmark (Bluetooth word mark and “B Design”) are registered trademarks and arewholly owned by the Bluetooth SIG.Open Source SoftwareSome software components of this product incorporate source code covered underGNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),OpenSSL License, BSD License and other open source licenses. To obtain thesource code covered under the open source licenses, please visit:http://opensource.samsung.com.