DRAFTFOR INTERNAL USE ONLYCall Functions 33Making a Multi-Party CallA multi-party call is a network service that allows up to six people to take partsimultaneously in a multi-party or conference call.Setting up a Multi-Party Call1. Call the first participant in the normal way.2. Press the Options soft key and select the New Call option.3. Call the second participant in the normal way. The first call is automaticallyplaced on hold.4. To join the first participant to this multi-party call, press the Options soft keyand select Join. Press the Select soft key or the key.Note: These first two calls are then grouped together on screen and displayed with an adjacentnumber corresponding to the order in which the calls were made.Note: There are a maximum of two callers that can be joined to a single multi-party line. Youcannot create two multi-party calls.