Messages 118• If your network requires that you accept SSL certificates, tap theAccept all SSL certificates field to place a check mark in the box andactivate this additional level. Most often, this option is not required.Confirm this information with your IT Administrator.Important! If your exchange server requires this feature, leaving thisfield unchecked can prevent connection.7. With the new server information entered, tap Next.8. If prompted, read the on-screen Activation disclaimer and, whenprompted, tap OK. The device then verifies your incoming serversettings.9. If prompted, read the Remote security administration informationand tap OK to accept the service and continue.10. Tap Send email from this account by default, to make this yourdefault email account for outbound emails.11. Adjust the various on-screen Account settings configurationfields and tap Next. It may take a few seconds for the nextscreen to load.12. If prompted, read the Activate device administrator? screen andtap Activate to complete the email setup process.Note: This process can take a few minutes. If the previous setup screenre-appears, ignore it and do not alter any fields during thisprocess.