Changing Your Settings 238About PhoneThis menu contains legal information, system tutorial information, andother phone information such as the model number, firmware version,baseband version, kernel version, and software build number.To access phone information: Press ➔ and then tap System settings ➔ Aboutphone. The following information displays:• Software update: allows you to connect to the network and upload anynew phone software directly to your device. The device automaticallyupdates with the latest available software when you access this option.• Status: displays the battery status, the level of the battery(percentage), the network connection, signal strength, mobile networktype, service state, roaming status, mobile network state, the phonenumber for this device, IMEI number, IMEI SV, IP address, Wi-Fi MACaddress, Bluetooth address, Serial number, Up time, and Devicestatus.• Legal information: This option displays information about Opensource licenses, as well as Google legal information. This informationclearly provides copyright and distribution legal information and factsas well as Google Terms of Service, Terms of Service for Android-powered Phones, and much more pertinent information as areference.Read the information and terms, then press to return to theSettings menu.