Section 11: Health and Safety Information 139Consumer Information on Wireless PhonesSection 11Some groups sponsored by other national governmentshave advised that children be discouraged from usingwireless phones at all. For example, the government in theUnited Kingdom distributed leaflets containing such arecommendation in December 2000. They noted that noevidence exists that using a wireless phone causes braintumors or other ill effects. Their recommendation to limitwireless phone use by children was strictlyprecautionary; it was not based on scientific evidence thatany health hazard exists.Do hands-free kits for wireless phones reducerisks from exposure to RF emissions?Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reason tobelieve that hands-free kits reduce risks. Hands-free kitscan be used with wireless phones for convenience andcomfort. These systems reduce the absorption of RFenergy in the head because the phone, which is the sourceof the RF emissions, will not be placed against the head.On the other hand, if the phone is mounted against thewaist or other part of the body during use, then that partof the body will absorb more RF energy. Wireless phonesmarketed in the U.S. are required to meet safetyrequirements regardless of whether they are used againstthe head or against the body. Either configuration shouldresult in compliance with the safety limit.Do wireless phone accessories that claim to shieldthe head from RF radiation work?Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reason to