46Using the Multi-tap Input MethodTo use the Multi-tap input method, use the keypad to enter your text.1. Press the key labeled with the letter you want:• Once for the first letter• Twice for the second letter2. Select the other letters in the same way.Note: The cursor moves to the right when you press a different key. When enteringthe same letter twice or a different letter on the same key, just wait for a fewseconds for the cursor to move to the right automatically, and then select the nextletter.KeysFirst press is Q or q, second press is W or w.First press is E or e, second press is R or r.First press is T or t, second press is Y or y.First press is U or u, second press is I or i.First press is O or o, second press is P or p.First press is A or a, second press is S or s.First press is D or d, second press is F or f.First press is G or g, second press is H or h.First press is J or j, second press is K or k.First press is L or l. No second press is needed.