128Message ThreadsSent and received text andpicture messages aregrouped into messagethreads. Threaded messagesallow you to see all themessages exchanged (similarto a chat program) anddisplays a contact on thescreen.Message threads are listed inthe order in which they werereceived, with the latestmessage displayed at thetop.To reply to a text message:1. From the Home screen,tap .2. While the message isopen, tap the Enter message field and then type yourreply message.3. Compose your reply.Your texts are colored Blue and your caller’s replies areYellow.4. Tap (Send) to deliver your reply.– or –Press and then select one of the availablemessage options (page 125).To access message thread options: From the main Messaging screen, touch and hold themessage to display the following options:• View contact: displays the Contact’s Overview page.• Add to contact: begins the process of adding the new numberto your Contacts list.• Delete thread: deletes the currently selected message thread.To access additional Bubble options: Touch and hold the message bubble within an activemessage conversation to display the following options:• Delete message: deletes the currently selected messagebubble from the thread.• Copy message text: copies the currently selected messagebubble from the thread.Current Recipient My TextReply BubbleText Message Thread