48Health and safety informationteenagers. If you want to take steps to lower exposureto radio frequency energy (RF), the measuresdescribed above would apply to children andteenagers using wireless phones. Reducing the time ofwireless phone use and increasing the distancebetween the user and the RF source will reduce RFexposure.Some groups sponsored by other nationalgovernments have advised that children bediscouraged from using wireless phones at all. Forexample, the government in the United Kingdomdistributed leaflets containing such a recommendationin December 2000. They noted that no evidence existsthat using a wireless phone causes brain tumors orother ill effects. Their recommendation to limitwireless phone use by children was strictlyprecautionary; it was not based on scientific evidencethat any health hazard exists.Do hands-free kits for wireless phones reducerisks from exposure to RF emissions?Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reason tobelieve that hands-free kits reduce risks. Hands-freekits can be used with wireless phones for convenienceand comfort. These systems reduce the absorption ofRF energy in the head because the phone, which is thesource of the RF emissions, will not be placed againstthe head. On the other hand, if the phone is mountedagainst the waist or other part of the body during use,then that part of the body will absorb more RF energy.Wireless phones marketed in the U.S. are required tomeet safety requirements regardless of whether theyare used against the head or against the body. Eitherconfiguration should result in compliance with thesafety limit.Do wireless phone accessories that claim toshield the head from RF radiation work?Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reason tobelieve that accessories that claim to shield the headfrom those emissions reduce risks. Some products