46Menu functionsUsing browser menu optionsFrom the web page, press [ ] or select on the topof screen.• Back: go back to the previous page.• Home: return to the homepage.• Exit: exit the web browser.• Reload: reload the current page with updatedinformation.• Show URL: display the URL address of the currentweb page.• About...: access version and copyright informationabout the browser.Using web page optionsFrom any web page, press [ ] to access the followingoptions:• Goto URL: enter a URL address manually.• Bookmarks: switch to the Bookmarks menu.• Messages: check the messages stored in the MyMessages folder. You can also create and send anew SMS message.• File manager: switch to the File manager menu.Exiting the browserPress [ ] to end the network connection and exit thebrowser.Bookmarks (Menu 4.2)Use this menu to save URL addresses in order toquickly access web pages.Adding a bookmark1. Select an empty location.2. Enter a title for the bookmark and press [Down].3. Enter a URL address and press [ ].return to the previouspage<Back> or [C].return to the homepage and hold [C].To Press