54Menu functions• Forward: forward the message to other people.• Copy entry: extract URLs, e-mail addresses, orphone numbers from the message.• Delete: delete the message.• Protection: protect the message from beingdeleted.• Details: access the message properties.Sent messages (Menu 5.2.4)This folder stores messages that you have sent.While viewing a message, press <Options> to accessthe following options:• Forward: forward the message to other people.• Copy entry: extract URLs, e-mail addresses, orphone numbers from the message.• Delete: delete the message.• Protection: protect the message from beingdeleted.• Details: access the message properties.Email inbox (Menu 5.2.5)This folder stores e-mails that you have received.Viewing an e-mail1. Select an e-mail account.2. Press <Yes> when Check for new emaildisplays, or press <Options> and select Checkfor new mail. The phone checks the e-mail serverand downloads new e-mails.The following icons may appear on the list to showthe e-mail status:• Retrieved from the server• Being retrieved• Failed to retrieve3. Select an e-mail or a header.4. Press [ ] or [ ] to view other pages in thee-mail.5. Press [Left] or [Right] to view the previous or nexte-mail.A ! icon next to a message means that themessage is of high priority. A grey-colouredmessage icon indicates low priority.