s of your phone can beur preferences in the1)set options for the phone.ghtness of the screen.o make the screen darkerthe Save soft key.r to go to dimming modewhich consumes lessthe backlight, select thene waits before it dimmesst key is pressed. Afterg mode, the phone willew minutes later. Whenyour phone is in dimmed mode or screen off, youcan wake up by pressing anykey. SelectingAlways on means that the phone does not usedimming mode and the screen is always on.LanguageYou can select a different language for thedisplay text and the text input mode.1. Press the OK key in the Screen Text field.2. Press the or key to select a languagefor the display text, such as menu names andwarning or confirming messages, and pressthe Select soft key.3. Press the key to move to the Input T9field and press the OK key.4. Press the or key to select a languagefor the T9 input mode and press the Selectsoft key.5. Press the Save soft key.Settings97ShortcutsYou can set the navigation keys can be used asshortcut keys to the menu functions you usemost frequently. In the idle mode, they allow youto access specific menu options directly.1. Press the each navigation key to check thecurrent funtion assigned, and select a naviga-tion key.2. Press the Options soft key to use followingoptions.Assign/Change: assigns or changes afuntion of the selected navigation key.Select a function from the function list andpress the Select soft key to select it.Remove: removes the menu funtion of theselected navigaiton key.Remove all: removes all the functionsassigened to the navigation keys.Active FolderWhen this option is set to On, you can simplyopen the folder to answer a call.When it is set to Off, you must open the folderand press a key, depending on the setting of theAnykey Answer opion.Press the or key to select On or Off, andpress the Save soft key.Anykey AnswerWhen this option is set to On, you can answer anincoming call by pressing any key except thekey and the Reject soft key.When this option is set to Off, you can only pressthe key or the Accept soft key to answer.Press the or key to select On or Off, andpress the Save soft key.Display (Menu 9-2)This menu allows you to customise the maindisplay screen by setting a greeting message orwallpaper image or changing the theme colour.7 Thursday, October 9, 2003 9:52 AM