Call FunctionsMaking a Conference CallThe Conference Call feature is a Vodafone servicethat allows up to five people to take partsimultaneously in a call. You can make aconference call by making or receiving anothercall while you are on an active call.Setting up the Conference Call1. Call the first participant in the normal way.2. Make a second call, referring to page 24.ORAnswer a waiting call, referring to page 25.3. To join the first participant to the conferencecall, press the Options soft key and selectJoin using the Up and Down scroll keys.Holding a Private Conversation With OneParticipantTo speak privately with one person during aconference call:1. Press the Options soft key and select Split.Press the center key.2. Press the Up or Down scroll key to scroll tothe participant you want to split off and pressthe center key.Now you can talk privately to that person. Theother participants can continue to conversewith each other.You can switch between the conference calland the split call by pressing the SWAP Page 26 Friday, October 22, 2004 5:40 PM