My Items• As email: allows you to send an e-mail usingthe multimedia file.• Via file sender: allows you to send a messagewith a multimedia file attached.Move to Album: allows you to move theselected file to My Items. This option may not beavailable depending upon the country. For moreinformation, see page 74.Note: The United Kingdom uses “Move to live!Studio” instead of this term.Set for sub LCD (available in the Picturescategory): allows you to use the image as thebackground for the sub LCD.Set as ringtone (available in the Soundscategory): allows you to use the sound as yourringtone for voice or video calls.Memory status: shows you the amount ofmemory used in the current category and theremaining memory.Using Image FilesYou can use bmp, wbmp, gif, animated gif, png,or jpg image files.Viewing an Image1. Press the Up or Down scroll key to select thePictures category. The image list displays.2. Press the Up or Down scroll key to select animage and press the center key.3. The image viewer shows the selected file.Press the Left or Right scroll key to load Page 84 Friday, October 22, 2004 5:40 PM