Menu functions Media player (Menu 3)39Save new contacts to (Menu 2.8.3)Use this menu to select a default memory location tosave contacts.If you select Ask each time, the phone will ask you toselect a memory location when saving a number.View contacts in (Menu 2.8.4)Use this menu to select a default memory location toretrieve the contacts you have stored in Phonebook.Own number (Menu 2.8.5)Use this feature to check your phone numbers, or toassign a name to each of the numbers. Changes madehere do not affect the actual subscriber numbers onyour SIM card.Memory status (Menu 2.9)Use this menu to view the number of contacts youhave stored in Phonebook.Media player (Menu 3)Use this menu to enjoy media files, such as MP3music, ringtones, or video clips.To access this menu, press <Menu> in Idle mode andselect Media player.Downloading or receiving media filesUse these methods to save media files to your phone’smemory:• Download from the wireless web p. 42• Download from a computer using the EasyStudioIIprogramme EasyStudio User’s Guide• Receive by MMS or e-mailp. 47, p. 50Music (Menu 3.1)Use this menu to play music files. To enjoy music files,you first need to create a play list.Creating the play list1. Press <Options> and select Add.