Basic functions22To view demonstrations of how to writecharacters, tap . Other functions areshown below:Enter text with TranscriberWith Transcriber, you can write anywhereon the screen. Unlike Letter Recognizeror Block Recognizer, you can use cursive(joined-up) handwriting to writecomplete words.1. Change the text input method toTranscriber (see "Change the textinput method," X 19).2. Tap to show the input panel.3. Write legibly anywhere on the screen.4. Pause and allow Transcriber to convertyour writing to text.You can access the following tools fromthe Transcriber toolbar:Clear (backspace)Move the cursorInsert a spaceInsert symbolsStart a new lineTap ToChange Transcriber optionsView demonstrations of how towrite charactersOpen the list of punctuationmarks, symbols, and numbersChange the input mode to A, a,or 123