Additional programs54Capture words and add them toyour dictionaryStart by setting a shortcut key to usewhen capturing words:1. From the Today screen, tap Programs→ PowerWord → Options → Word-capture Setting.2. Select a key in Hot key Settings.3. Tap OK.After you have set the shortcut key,1. Open Notes, Tasks, Word Mobile,OneNote Mobile, or Excel Mobile.2. Highlight a word with your stylus.3. Press the shortcut key you set forcapturing words.4. When you are finished, close the pop-up window or tap Options → Back toApplication to return to the programyou were using.View your word listFrom the Today screen, tap Programs →PowerWord → Options → OpenNewWord. To delete a word, highlightthe word and then tap Delete. To clearthe word list, tap Delete all.Assisted-GPSAssisted-GPS (A-GPS) helps improve theperformance of GPS receivers byproviding them with data that they wouldordinarily have to download from the GPSsatellites. With A-GPS data, GPSreceivers can operate faster and morereliably.