120Wi-Fi Advanced SettingsThe Wi-Fi settings - Advanced menu allows you to set up many ofyour device’s Wi-Fi service, including:• Setting your Wi-Fi sleep policy• Viewing your device’s MAC Address• Configuring use of either a DHCP or Static IPTo access the Bluetooth Settings menu:1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ Settings ➔ Wireless andnetwork ➔ Wi-Fi settings.2. Press ➔ Advanced.Wi-Fi DirectWi-Fi Direct allows device-to-device connections using Wi-Fi.1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ Settings ➔ Wireless andnetwork ➔ Wi-Fi Direct settings.2. On your phone, at the Search for devices prompt, tap OK.Tap the Do not show again checkbox if you want to skip thisstep in the future.The device scans for other Wi-Fi Direct devices.3. If you are currently connected to a Wi-Fi network, a promptwill display Current network will be disconnected. Tap OK tocontinue.4. Tap Wi-Fi Direct. A check mark is displayed indicating thatWi-Fi Direct is active.5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 on the other device you want to connectwith.6. Once the device you want to connect to is displayed, tap onit.7. Tap Connect.8. The other device will receive a Wi-Fi Direct connectionprompt and has 2 minutes to tap OK for the connection to bemade.9. Once connected, the other device will show as Connected inyour list of Wi-Fi Direct devices and the icon willdisplay at the top of your screen.10. Tap Device name to change your Device name if desired.Sharing Information with Connected DeviceTo share videos, photos, or other information with the connecteddevice, follow these steps: