Games99GamesWhen you access the Games menu, the list of the defaultgames appears. Once you have downloaded games, theyare added to the list.Note: Java services may not be available, depending upon your serviceprovider.Downloading a new gameYou can download more games from the web site presetby your service provider using the Download option.Launching a MIDletNote: The procedure explained below is for the default games. For downloadedgames, the procedure may be different.1. Scroll to the MIDlet you want on the Games list andpress the Launch soft key or key.2. On the startup screen of the MIDlet, scroll to an optionusing the Navigation keys.The following options are available:• START GAME: starts a new game.• CONTINUE: allows you to continue the last game youplayed.• HIGH SCORE: shows the high score table. This optionmay not be available for some games.• HOW TO PLAY: shows how to play the game and the keyfunctions for the game.• OPTION: allows you to switch the game sound on or off.