Appendix C: Consumer Update on Wireless Phones200hearing aid at the same time. This standard was approvedby the IEEE in 2000.FDA continues to monitor the use of wireless phones forpossible interactions with other medical devices. Shouldharmful interference be found to occur, FDA will conducttesting to assess the interference and work to resolve theproblem.7. What are the results of the research done already?The research done thus far has produced conflictingresults, and many studies have suffered from flaws in theirresearch methods. Animal experiments investigating theeffects of radiofrequency energy (RF) exposurescharacteristic of wireless phones have yielded conflictingresults that often cannot be repeated in other laboratories.A few animal studies, however, have suggested that lowlevels of RF could accelerate the development of cancer inlaboratory animals. However, many of the studies thatshowed increased tumor development used animals thathad been genetically engineered or treated with cancer-causing chemicals so as to be pre-disposed to developcancer in the absence of RF exposure. Other studiesexposed the animals to RF for up to 22 hours per day.These conditions are not similar to the conditions underwhich people use wireless phones, so we don t know withcertainty what the results of such studies mean for humanhealth.Three large epidemiology studies have been publishedsince December 2000. Between them, the studiesinvestigated any possible association between the use ofwireless phones and primary brain cancer, gioma,meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, tumors of the brain or